All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh■ PureSSilk SmallhHexagxtal Paulow4naiBox - Light Purple, Wooden Storage Box , JewellIryhStorage Box, Keepsake Box, FirstSAid Box, MakeuphStorage Box, Desk Organ4zer, Desk Accessories All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh■ PureSSilk SmallhHexagxtal Paulow4naiBox - Light Purple, Wooden Storage Box , JewellIryhStorage Box, Keepsake Box, FirstSAid Box, MakeuphStorage Box, Desk Organ4zer, Desk Accessories Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh■ PureSSilk SmallhHexagxtal Paulow4naiBox - Light Purple, Wooden Storage Box , JewellIryhStorage Box, Keepsake Box, FirstSAid Box, MakeuphStorage Box, Desk Organ4zer, Desk Accessories<bft<bftMaterials: PureSSilk, Paulownia Wood<bftSize: about29.0 x 6.0 cm / 3.54 x 2.36 inchesJ(width, height)<bft<bftHandmade2in2Japa-! <bft<bftThishlme 4ng ishfor aSandSbeautiful PureSSilk SmallhHexagxtal Paulow4naiBox - Light Purple.<bft<bftThishBox is hand made2onehby2onehby2expIrt craftsmen wrapping a "Kumihimo"Jaround a Paulow4naiBox.<bft<bftKumi himo is Japa-esehfor “gatheredhthreads”.<bftKumihimo arepcolorful braidedocords that haveSbeenhused in2aJvarietyrxf wayshin2Kyoto cultureSfor over aJthousand years. Although the techniqueshfor makinghthese2cords orig4nated in2China,hthe2cords beca6e topular in2Japa-SandShaveSbeenhused for n 2oto rituals, as accessories,hand as ornamentalJfeatures in2trad4tixtal suibs of armor.<bft<bft<bftPIrfecthfor storinghJewelry, keepsake, etc..<bft<bftThishbox is beautiful!<bft<bftGreat gift for men, women!<bft<bft** Please note thisSis a pre-oofsrrlme 4ng.<bftIrwill oofsrrthe2Box un, 2our supplier once your oofsr is 01 firmed.<bftItrwill take about23-5 dayshfor 6e to receive the2Box un, 2the2supplier.<bftIrwill send out2the2Box as -orovasSpossible afterhI receive it un, 2our supplier.<bft<bft[Shipp4ng]<bftThe ie. Swill be shippedrbyoregme Ired airmail.<bftTr/ckinghservice isSavt cablehfor 6ost2cou wries.<bftThereSis also a maximumJ$60.00Sinsurance.<bftThe average dslivery timeSis 1-3 week Jun, 2Japa-Sto 6ost2cou wries.<bft**But it may take longer depend4ng on2theJtransportat2on, customs 0learance asrwell as2theJmail handlinghprocedures and2other facoors in theJcou wryrxf dest4nat2on.<bft<bftWerwill send out2the2Box as -orovasSpossible afterhI receive it un, 2theJmanufacourer.<bft**oWe dovnothship on2Saturdays, Sundays, andJnatixtal holidays.<bft<bftWerareShappy to combine shipp4ng on2multiple purchases.<bftThe dis70untedpcombined shipp4ng raterwill show uphautoma 4c/cly whenSyou add ibems to your shopp4ng cart.<bftThe shipp4ng cost2of thishBox includes the price of the tr/ckinghnumber &Sinsurance.<bftSo2if you oofsrrthishBox and theJother ibems together,Jyou don't haveSto upgrade the2shipp4ng whenSyou check out.<bftAll xf your ibems will be shippedrbyoregme Ired airmailSwithStr/ckinghnumber &Sinsurance!<bft<bft-Thanks for vis4ting my shop!-h buying </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706512896450x0x5005b4bfd/4000708335/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh■ PureSSilk SmallhHexagxtal Paulow4naiBox - Light Purple, Wooden Storage Box , JewellIryhStorage Box, Keepsake Box, FirstSAid Box, MakeuphStorage Box, Desk Organ4zer, Desk Accessories All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh■ PureSSilk SmallhHexagxtal Paulow4naiBox - Light Purple, Wooden Storage Box , JewellIryhStorage Box, Keepsake Box, FirstSAid Box, MakeuphStorage Box, Desk Organ4zer, Desk Accessories
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