Product Name: Amulet Magic Spell Charm InKham Wax Thai Occult Business Trade buying Love KrubaTao
InKham or Inn Koo is a Lanna Thai amulet since ancient times. It is an amulet of great mercy, great charm, with the unique characteristics of In Kham. will make charm , rich , fortune money , good sell , good business ,bring peace and happiness. *InKham or Inn Koo was put into the wax of the seven fairies, which has the power of mercy, great charm, great negotiating trade, contacting business *Contains Mahasanea Takrud and Mahalab Takrud * Med makla buying have the power of charm * Sao Long leaves, the power of love Wax casket containing Yant InKham Lanna to increase the power of charm, mercy, fortune for places where this wax is worshiped, just worship in a place of business, will bring good fortune, money, and customers to come and support. How to use : Touching on the mouth to great negotiating trade, contacting business. Touching the eyebrows will enhance the charm of great mercy. Touching the forehead will enhance the dignity and radiance.. Only if you believe in it.