30cm x 40cm Amsterdam Flag "Classic Design" Painting with Black & Gold Border by Michael Carlton
Made-to-Order Acrylic-on-Canvas Painting of the Amsterdam Flag with a black & gold Michael Carlton-style border.
This item is created using professional grade acrylic paint and is on a premium-quality 30cm x 40cm x 1.5cm stretched canvas frame (larger and custom-made sizes also available - see below for more details).
The painting is available in both portrait and landscape orientations (select preferred orientation above) and is protected with a professional-quality gloss-varnish finish.
The painting is completely hand-made (no machine painting, spray painting, or stencilling used) and has a hand-made, unique, and luxurious quality to it as such.
The painting is made-to-order and includes a signed dedication on the reverse of the frame if desired (see above).
This item ships worldwide from The Netherlands.
Please allow 3-5 working days for the painting to be created and shipped.
Local collection also available if you live or are visiting Amsterdam - for local collection options please contact prior to placing your order.
Postage prices listed are for the SMALLEST SIZE ONLY (30cm x 40cm) - for a postage quote for the 2 larger sizes (70 cm x 100cm and 100cm x 150cm) please get in touch.
Larger Sizes:
Larger sizes also available - to select a larger size of this painting see drop down menu above...
For non-standard and custom-made sizes please get in touch for more information and a buying quote.
Social Media:
Follow the latest Amsterdam Flag inspired creations on Facebook and Instagram: @amsterdam_flag
Product code: 30cm x 40cm "Classic Design" Amsterdam Flag Painting with Black buying & Gold Border by Michael Carlton