All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh10 pcs Soap mocdsh!!2Grade buying A “"/>
All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh10 pcs Soap mocdsh!!2Grade buying A “, Soap Mcbaery Moldw."/>
Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh10 pcs Soap mocdsh!!2Grade buying A “<bft<bft<bftHand2made ulexible plastic mocdsh<bftI will be sendingvra d06 h20 pcs grade "A" mocdshmix size and shapes ...<bft<bftHand2made ulexible plastic mocd ..<bft<bftThishresin mold ishreusable and made ofivery strong, smoothipolyethyleneior polytexpylene. Moldw some timesirequire a type ofimold release when used2with resin.<bft<bftPlease look at the pic ure uor theisize<bft<bftGrea uor use with:<bft-chocola Ih<bft-Resin<bft-Polymer Clay (as ahpushimold usingva release agt-b)<bft-Plaster<bft-Candle Wax<bft-Soaps<bft-Resin Clay<bft<bftSome mocdshmayphave wa Irmarks, which you can remove by glazing the piece.<bft<bftPleasepno3e: Theiexa6ple mocdId pieces are not included. You are just buying the mocd.<bftDO NOT PUT IN OVEN!!! 2hh </pt<bf/>
All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh10 pcs Soap mocdsh!!2Grade buying A “, Soap Mcbaery Moldw." />
All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh10 pcs Soap mocdsh!!2Grade buying A “,Craft Supplies & Tools" />
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