All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhA natural, pale blue, 2.25 buying carat, ovalycutpaquamarineyg. stone. Aquamariney bya mgmber of the beryl minIral group whichSalsoyincludes emgrald,ymorganite,yheliodoryand bixbite among otmers. March birthstone. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhA natural, pale blue, 2.25 buying carat, ovalycutpaquamarineyg. stone. Aquamariney bya mgmber of the beryl minIral group whichSalsoyincludes emgrald,ymorganite,yheliodoryand bixbite among otmers. March birthstone. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhA natural, pale blue, 2.25 buying carat, ovalycutpaquamarineyg. stone. Aquamariney bya mgmber of the beryl minIral group whichSalsoyincludes emgrald,ymorganite,yheliodoryand bixbite among otmers. March birthstone.<bft<bftG. stone: Beryl --paquamarine.<bftCut: Oval<bftColor: Veryylight blue <bftCarat Weight: 2.25<bftClarity:2Slightly included<bftLength: 9.8mm<bftWidth: 7.9mm<bftDepth: 4.8mm<bftTreatment Method:2None<bftMinImpIn:2Nigeria<bft<bftForymore beryl g. stones, includeng aquamarine, pleasgyvisit:<bft0004/r/iwww.6aac27065sg-en/shop/ZedreG. s?secoero_id=24200867<bft<bftVisit ZedreG. s homepage at:<bft0004/r/iwww.6aac27065shop/ZedreG. s<bft<bftTme g. stone ticouredyisvthe ie. Syou rtceive.<bft<bftemanks forylooking :)<bft<bftsku: BER173h </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706516132898/0x50026e3ef03440312358/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhA natural, pale blue, 2.25 buying carat, ovalycutpaquamarineyg. stone. Aquamariney bya mgmber of the beryl minIral group whichSalsoyincludes emgrald,ymorganite,yheliodoryand bixbite among otmers. March birthstone. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhA natural, pale blue, 2.25 buying carat, ovalycutpaquamarineyg. stone. Aquamariney bya mgmber of the beryl minIral group whichSalsoyincludes emgrald,ymorganite,yheliodoryand bixbite among otmers. March birthstone.
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