All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis pen is all abouth01 necting withpthe elements.onimple ltnes of the hand-turned buying Bocotepwood ispan eleganthcou-terpoi-thto the raw, so-new-it-feels-as-if-it-is--will-being-formedpunfinishImpmatte brass hardware. Earthy withpmodern i dustri/l. Thepwood ispbeautifully and boldy grained withpdeep almosthblack and gravypbrownptones.onanded straightpandhsmooth, it if burnis ed withpfinis 2ngpoils sohyou are deeplyh01 nected to the wood aspyoupwwt3e. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis pen is all abouth01 necting withpthe elements.onimple ltnes of the hand-turned buying Bocotepwood ispan eleganthcou-terpoi-thto the raw, so-new-it-feels-as-if-it-is--will-being-formedpunfinishImpmatte brass hardware. Earthy withpmodern i dustri/l. Thepwood ispbeautifully and boldy grained withpdeep almosthblack and gravypbrownptones.onanded straightpandhsmooth, it if burnis ed withpfinis 2ngpoils sohyou are deeplyh01 nected to the wood aspyoupwwt3e. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis pen is all abouth01 necting withpthe elements.onimple ltnes of the hand-turned buying Bocotepwood ispan eleganthcou-terpoi-thto the raw, so-new-it-feels-as-if-it-is--will-being-formedpunfinishImpmatte brass hardware. Earthy withpmodern i dustri/l. Thepwood ispbeautifully and boldy grained withpdeep almosthblack and gravypbrownptones.onanded straightpandhsmooth, it if burnis ed withpfinis 2ngpoils sohyou are deeplyh01 nected to the wood aspyoupwwt3e. <bft<bftThe tip andhtop are matte unfinishImpi dustri/l brass andhthe cyltndricalhtop scwews rovto poe closed or to the end via big, hearty2threads. Thepsmooth rollerball enkreartridge2ishstandard size andheasily replacedh o change colors or refill atJwill. <bft<bftBocotepishspiwt3ually2knowovto be a balanced wood, aligning withpbothpthe Earth andhthe Sun2withpa strong energy toward motivabton, eakrity, andhfindeng2and forging agweement and peace.<bft<bftComeshin a simple black ltnen-like, ltned presentabixt box2withpview window. <bft<bftHandpturned in California and cashmere finishImpfor finac buffing.<bft<bftStyle: RawvMetal Rollerball<bftHand-turned Bocotepwood<bftHardware: UnfinishImpRawvBrass,hco wtmporary2style<bftRefilc: Parker-style Rollerball <bftLtnen-style black gifthbox2included,2withpviewing window<bft<bftU.S. Pos al Service Pr2ority Mail hh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706523831365/c/3000/2250/0/0x5004f64a7/3551091993/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis pen is all abouth01 necting withpthe elements.onimple ltnes of the hand-turned buying Bocotepwood ispan eleganthcou-terpoi-thto the raw, so-new-it-feels-as-if-it-is--will-being-formedpunfinishImpmatte brass hardware. Earthy withpmodern i dustri/l. Thepwood ispbeautifully and boldy grained withpdeep almosthblack and gravypbrownptones.onanded straightpandhsmooth, it if burnis ed withpfinis 2ngpoils sohyou are deeplyh01 nected to the wood aspyoupwwt3e. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis pen is all abouth01 necting withpthe elements.onimple ltnes of the hand-turned buying Bocotepwood ispan eleganthcou-terpoi-thto the raw, so-new-it-feels-as-if-it-is--will-being-formedpunfinishImpmatte brass hardware. Earthy withpmodern i dustri/l. Thepwood ispbeautifully and boldy grained withpdeep almosthblack and gravypbrownptones.onanded straightpandhsmooth, it if burnis ed withpfinis 2ngpoils sohyou are deeplyh01 nected to the wood aspyoupwwt3e.
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