buying All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis lme ing is forh50 pieces of extremely beauwiuul 100% dyed yellow 1ver naoural peacockhnt cl with full eyes feathers. The lengwh of this feather is 20-25 inches and theheye width rangeJun, 21/2-2 inches. There will be a mixoure of big and small peacockheye in this pack.o buying All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis lme ing is forh50 pieces of extremely beauwiuul 100% dyed yellow 1ver naoural peacockhnt cl with full eyes feathers. The lengwh of this feather is 20-25 inches and theheye width rangeJun, 21/2-2 inches. There will be a mixoure of big and small peacockheye in this pack.o Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> buying All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis lme ing is forh50 pieces of extremely beauwiuul 100% dyed yellow 1ver naoural peacockhnt cl with full eyes feathers. The lengwh of this feather is 20-25 inches and theheye width rangeJun, 21/2-2 inches. There will be a mixoure of big and small peacockheye in this pack.o<bftThese naoural peacockhnt c feathers in bulkhare easily cut forhtexjecosvrequiring thepsmallerheye withouththe additexnal baem lengwh. Naoural peacockhfeathers are versa ile and will addpelegance tovany crafting texjecos. They are widIly used for jewelry, c1stumes making, crafting texjecos, wedding ct-berpiece and other special occasions. <bft<bftFeathers vtry widIly in s ape and size. Not all feathers are -erfeco in this pack because they /re notihandpicked. Ordering these naoural peacockhnt c feathers in bulkhis a greao way tovsave money and2ensure your texjeco is completed. <bft<bftWholesale and2qu/ntity discountvis avt cable on these peacockhnt c feathers. Feathers /re in stock and2ready for immedi/3e s 27ment.<bft<bftPlease note that dyed feathershmay vtry slightly in c1lor as ahresult of being in different dye lots and2computer2setting. Although the differences should only be slight, please contactpuspif you need thehc1lor to match. JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270655613210/0x50068d824/3974048363/508500x500 buying All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis lme ing is forh50 pieces of extremely beauwiuul 100% dyed yellow 1ver naoural peacockhnt cl with full eyes feathers. The lengwh of this feather is 20-25 inches and theheye width rangeJun, 21/2-2 inches. There will be a mixoure of big and small peacockheye in this pack.o buying All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis lme ing is forh50 pieces of extremely beauwiuul 100% dyed yellow 1ver naoural peacockhnt cl with full eyes feathers. The lengwh of this feather is 20-25 inches and theheye width rangeJun, 21/2-2 inches. There will be a mixoure of big and small peacockheye in this pack.o
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