⭐️RESERVED FOR MIAZIAI⭐️ This sparkling vintage PIN/BROOCH was designed and manufactured by the famous accessories team… Kirks Folly. Signed by Kirks folly on the back. EXCELLENT VINTAGE PRE-OWNED CONDITION 1980s DESIGNER COSTUME JEWELRY PIN Shades of deep garnet red and accents of fuchsia Swarovski crystal sparkle and shine-Crystal prong setting stones Beautiful SIGNATURE cascading LEAVES adorn the top, plated in gold Measures approximately 2 inches wide by 3 inches in height Kirks folly was known for their whimsical and unique designs, featured in all the high style women's magazines like Vogue, Harpers Bizarre, women's wear daily… A family business that grew into iconic fashion costume jewelry brand They began in the early 1980s with many customers who still adore and collect their wonderful creations! Thanks so much for viewing our listings! Please message me with any questions… buying #designerpin #vintagepin #crystalpin #brooch.
⭐️RESERVED FOR MIAZIAI⭐️ This sparkling vintage PIN/BROOCH was designed and manufactured by the famous accessories team… Kirks Folly. Signed by Kirks folly on the back. EXCELLENT VINTAGE PRE-OWNED CONDITION 1980s DESIGNER COSTUME JEWELRY PIN Shades of deep garnet red and accents of fuchsia Swarovski crystal sparkle and shine-Crystal prong setting stones Beautiful SIGNATURE cascading LEAVES adorn the top, plated in gold Measures approximately 2 inches wide by 3 inches in height Kirks folly was known for their whimsical and unique designs, featured in all the high style women's magazines like Vogue, Harpers Bizarre, women's wear daily… A family business that grew into iconic fashion costume jewelry brand They began in the early 1980s with many customers who still adore and collect their wonderful creations! Thanks so much for viewing our listings! Please message me with any questions… buying #designerpin #vintagepin #crystalpin #brooch.