All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCUSTOM ORDERS: All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCUSTOM ORDERS: Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCUSTOM ORDERS:<bftWe welcome all kindsyof Custom orders,oPleasgydo not hesitateyto 01ntac3 us for anySinformatixtyyou need oWe 0an work with youprovspecialpcustom texjecos you have in mind. Ifyyou have youryownydesigns that you w1uld like us to make, werwill be happy to quote2you a teiceyand duraoext until 01mtleoext of that texjeco.<bft<bft<bft<bftSHIPPING:<bftYour G. stones will be ready for s 27ping ovSame business days. Yourwill receive a messagey ncluding aptracking number whenvyouryie. Sis s 27ped. Your0an also trackvyourypiecepony6aac.<bft~Your0an UPGRADEvyourys 27ping servece(fk-t s 27ping like 3-4 business days)Sbyyg.tting the expressvs 27ping (DHL, UPS, FEDEX) which is below;<bft<bft<bftabout us:-<bftWeSare wholesalervofSNaturalhPrecious and Semiprecious Stone Calibrated G. stones oWe buy raw stones and make them ovouryownyfacoory.<bftOur facoory is located in the city and theycosbrof working hereSis very high.<bftHenceStheybestypeiceyand high quality stone is offered to you.<bft<bftAbout photo :-<bftDueyto the lighting and camera in the photo, your0an segya slight difference in sizepand color.<bftYourwill find the same stone in the photo.<bftPleasgyuse both the photopand a short wri3ten ss="wt-textyto form youryopinion.<bft<bftAbout Payment:-<bftWeSaccept theyfollowing forms ofhPayPal payment:<bftAmeri0an Express,2Discover,ve Check, Mae IrCardvCredit Cardvand Visa Card<bft<bftAbout S 27ping :-<bftOrdersSare dmepatched within 1 business day after payment is received. Our warehouse is 0losemprovSundays.<bftThe delivery time of our ie. s isvusually 8yto 12 days, but2because itS byinteroatextalyairmt c, sometimes thereymay bgya slight delay.<bftIfyyou do not receive the parcelptleasgy01ntac3 me so that Ir0an solve the problem.<bftI requestyyou to get in touch with youryposbroffice. Because the packagerwill be delivered un, 2your posbroffice.<bftIfythe packagercomes back un, 2your address,2yourwill wait until it reaches me. After that, I'llysend it again.<bft<bftAbout United S 27ping:-<bftWeScombine s 27ping for multitle ie. s at no extra charge. That's United S 27ping.oPleasgydo not 0reate a single payer<bft<bftIfyyou want to combine.<bft<bftAbout return:-<bftWeSaccept ie. returns.oPleasgy01ntac3 us before2returning the ie. within 30 days un, 2the day of ie. delivery. Because werwill tellpthe new2return address.<bft<bftC1ntac3: -<bftIfyyou have any problem with youryorderptleasgygivepus theSopportunity to solve the problem.<bftProblems can be anything:- Ia. not found, Ia. not liked, Ia. is broken, Ia. in ss="wt-textydoes not match,vand any problem…<bftWeSwill try ourybestyto solve youryproblem.<bftYour s/34sfacoextSand trust is buying ourymostyvaluable k-wet.<bftWeSare grateful forhyouryunderstanding and support<bftIfyyou have any questixtyfeel free to ask me.<bftBestywishIl </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706521936226/0x500e784e8/2432360393/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCUSTOM ORDERS: All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCUSTOM ORDERS:
Free shipping on order above $49. - Same day Shipping - Questions? Call us 435 8198011, 10-6pm