Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhReadyito paint ceramic .hOuriceramic items havepbeen poured usingiceramic liquidreakyvsl27 into both vintage and newiceramic castingvmolds. Ekch piece is then pexfessixtally2cleaned byiremovingpseam lines and imterfecoexts byihand ini uristudio.hoastly2all pieces are fired to 01 e buying 04 bisque hardness ini urielec ric kilns. All pieces can be finished byiyoupusingiacrylic paints oriceramic glaze. (If makingia piece to be used uor food or liquidrfollow direcoexts oniyourvparticular choice of glaze
Wel706e Ek-ter Bunny-UnpaintImp-please read buying policies before ofering.