Yoni steam herbal blend guide/Yoni steam buying herbal recepies/A step by step Yoni steam treatment guide, want to know which yoni herbs to use?
Download this instant guideline of step by step instructions of what yoni steam herbal mixture.
Download this instant guideline of step by step instructions of what yoni steam herbal mixture to use to treat your client needs.
Wanna be able to explain or create a herbal yoni steam treatment to help yourself or your clients who experience issues with:
-Yeast infection
-pH balance
-vaginal buying dryness
-Menstrual Cramps
Download this instead step by step guided Ebook.
What you'll learn
*Step by step you will learn about different Herbs for Yoni Steaming and what each benefits you can obtain from the herbal blends.
Who could use this Ebook:
*Anyone who wants to learn about the specific uses of Herbs for Yoni Steaming