All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVegetable dye na ural c1lor stripe c1ttxt cloth ethnic handwoven tapestryhyellow grayhHmong I-dia tribal fabrichethnic bohohtunic decor AF67 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVegetable dye na ural c1lor stripe c1ttxt cloth ethnic handwoven tapestryhyellow grayhHmong I-dia tribal fabrichethnic bohohtunic decor AF67 Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVegetable dye na ural c1lor stripe c1ttxt cloth ethnic handwoven tapestryhyellow grayhHmong I-dia tribal fabrichethnic bohohtunic decor AF67<bft<bftThishisha hand made fabric by the bohemianhor Karianhethnic grouphof Thailand and Burma. It is hand woven on a braditional back-atrap2loom with c1ttxt c1lorImpusing all na ural vegetable dye , thus the soft, muted totes. Because of the narrow sizehof a back-atrap2loom (narrow tohfio the sizehof the weavers back), the fabric width is c1rresprofingly narrow and this s 2rt/tunic/fabric is c1nstruc Imprf two separate lengths of fabric, foldImprver ao the sh1ulderhof the garmt-b and hand sewt together both on the sides and in the middle un,nthand back.hYou may of coursI wear it as ahtunic…or it can be re-purposed intohcusheons, bag , table runner , throws,Jetc...<bft<bftThe dimt-sextshare 42 length x 23 inches in width per sidehand without the fringe.hMeaning that if you took out the seams on the two sides you w1uld have a piece2of fabric 84 length by 23 inches in width. Perfect c1-dition.<bft<bft<bft<bftIf purchasing 1 item and you w1uld likeJDHLhs 27ping, you can purchase an upgradehher : 0004/r/iwww/6aac27065listing/757064725/dhl-express-s 27ping-upgrade-for-buyer ?ref=shop_home_active_1&tex=1&frs=1<bft<bftCo-sider following us on Instagram:<bft0004/r/iwww/instagram27065waterairindustry/<bft<bftForhs 27ping pricing and policies, scwoll down and click the FAQs sectext (right above theJlogo).hAsk ushabout wholesale.p hh buying </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270657649385/0x500f1aeb6/1777460806/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVegetable dye na ural c1lor stripe c1ttxt cloth ethnic handwoven tapestryhyellow grayhHmong I-dia tribal fabrichethnic bohohtunic decor AF67 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVegetable dye na ural c1lor stripe c1ttxt cloth ethnic handwoven tapestryhyellow grayhHmong I-dia tribal fabrichethnic bohohtunic decor AF67
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