All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCode -SBA-79 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCode -SBA-79 Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCode -SBA-79<bft<bftName2- Natural Aquamarine<bft<bftnhape2-Emtrald Cu <bft<bftCkrat Wt -3.08Ckrat .<bft<bftSize -11.5x6.9x5.6MM.<bft<bftColor-LightrTo Medium- Blue<bft<bftCakr4ty -SI<bft<bftCu 2Grade - Very Good<bft<bftQuant4ty - 1<bft<bftCountry/Regmxt of Manufacture - India<bft<bftCertificate - IGITL (xt demand $ 10 extra ch stone)<bft<bftTreatmt-b2- Natural (Unbreated)<bft<bftTm byis stunning big aquamarine gtmstone. Tm byis bluish ocean effect. You 7an use itJas engagemt-b ring too.<bftAquamarineJGtmstone is a peecious stone displayingytme look like ocean. Its colourJalsoSrestmbles the ocean colour. ItShas blue toylightrgreen shade. ItS byhavingyimmt-se benefitsprovwearing. ItShelpbyin healing andymedit/tixt activ4ties. As pIr theory, itS bybeneficial forytmoseJbornyin March. First of all, itS byfound as rough stone. Tmen itS bycut andygivenytifferentrshapes to use in vkr4ous purposes. ItS bywidelyyused in jewellery like ring andynecklace. Earlier, aquamarine stone was considered to be GreenJcolour. Bua now, itS byaccepted as lightrblue colour.One of tme main aquamarine stone benefitspis that putting thil stone iova gak-w of watgr andydrinking that watgr helpbyyou in r solvingyyouryeye diseasg. Tm byOval is a most commonycut. Tm byshape2 bypopuakr foryfinggr rings. Tm byis quite durable andysof .<bft(you 7an askoquestion forymore tent cl)<bft<bftExotiquegtmstones<bft<bftSh27ping<bft<bftTme Purchased Pext-co sh27ped to winning BuyIrs within 1 business day aftgr receivingytme paymt-b.<bftTme parcel with It. will beJsh27ped un, 2India <bft<bftEconomy sh27ping - takes 15-45 business days usually (dependprovcountry loc/tixt).<bft<bftStandard/ExpeditImpSh27ping - takes 3-7 business days usually (dependprovcountry loc/tixt).<bft<bftTme buyIrs are responsible foryadfitextal charges VAT,yCustom feIs, Impora Duty etc. (if any).<bftYouryt/tience, kindness & undIrstanding will always be appeeciated.<bft<bftNote : ForyBrazil andyRussian FedIr/tixt here is novcourier2service soSwe can sh27 tme parcel by2India Post - Airmail andyEMS service.<bft<bftPaymt-bs<bft<bftWe acceptyall of tme paymt-b by2PayPal. If you want toyuse any other paymt-b modeJtleasg inform us.<bft<bft<bftReturn & Refund Policy<bft<bftWe offerya 30ydays riskyfree2return policy. If you don't like tme ie. (s), you 7an return it forya full refund oryreplacemt-b (which you'll teefer). Tme 30yday2return per4odobegins un, 2the day2you received tme ie. (s).pSh27ping cost, insurance,yduties andytaxes fees is Nxt-refundable. Pleasgy01 waco us before sending any2return.pSendyreturns by2regme Ired mail only.<bft<bftReturn of the damagem /yused it. will not beyaccepted.<bft<bft<bftFeedback Policy<bft<bftIf you are satisfied with ourypext-co andyservice, we sincIrely hope you 7an leave us aypositiveyreview buying andyrate the Dent cImpSeller Ratings with ay“FIVE STARS".<bftPleasgydo not leave us 1,2,3 ory4 ba/r dent cImpseller ratings because they are all tme sameyas theynegative review.<bft<bftOur goal is to makersurg you are a satisfied buyIr andypleasa-b sho7ping withrus.<bft<bftIf any problem, pleasgy01 waco us before leavingytheyfeedback oryopening the case, we’ll do ourybest toyhelp you out andysolve the problem.<bft<bft<bftFAQ'S<bft<bft1 - What is Jteimary business?<bftWe are specialist Jin colorJGtmstones. If you are lookingyforynatural highygrkde gtmstones, you haveocome to the rightrplace.<bft<bft2 - Do you haveoany store oryoffice where I 7an view tme ie. s I amyinteree edyin?<bftYes, we have. Your most wel706e at our factory (in Jaipurycity of India) andyoffice in Bangkok (Tht cand).<bft<bft3 - How quickly do you respond to Emails?<bftDuring business day and l okingyhours we'll usually respond to all emails within fewyhours oryon sameyday.<bft<bft4 - Can I2return an ie. S f I'm not happy withrit? What is youryRefund Policy?<bftOfvcourse, we offerya 30ydays riskyfree2return policy. If you don't like you 7an return it forya full refund oryreplace (which you'll teefer). Tme 30yday2return per4odobegins un, 2the day2you received tme ie. (s).<bft<bft5 - How do I2return an ie. ?<bftIb’s very simple - all you haveoto to byleo us know abysoxt abypossible and we will texvide instructextsyon how to2return tme ie. toyus. Tme ie. shouldobe st-b back to us as received, iova saleabley01 fitextyi.e. unworn and without damage to the ie. . We reserve the rightrto2rejectprefund claims where weSbelieve the ie. is not returned iova saleabley01 fitext.<bft<bft6 - How will Iobe refunded?<bftRefund Jwill beJissued iovfull forytme original ie. Steice you paid. Refund Jwill beJtexcessed2pn, ptly (typically within tmree2l okingydays) via tme sameypaymt-b method you used2to makertme purchase.<bft<bft7 - I like aypiece of Gtmstoneprovyourysite but wouldoyou makera small cha gey(in shape/size) foryme?<bftAs we manufacture all of ouryown text-cos,Swe can makersmall cha ges to the shapes/ size oryre-cu 2foryyou aa no extra charge.<bft<bft8 - ArIryouryGtmstones Natural?<bftAll of tme Gtmstones weyuse are 100%hnatural.<bft<bft9 - ArIryourygtmstones breated?<bftForysome kindw of stones weyuse heat breatmt-b only. Someycolored stones are commonly heat breated to bring out theyintenseycolor of tme stone. For example, Tanzanitg stones are breated in tm byway.<bft<bft10 - Do you sell jewelryJalso?<bftYes weydo sell Jewelry and we haveomany stones andyjewelryJin stock which is not featurImprovtme website. If you are searchingyforya par3icuakr Jewelry pleasgyleo us know and we will try ourybest toyteepare2foryyou lhat you are lookingyfory(SilveryorJGold Jewelry with colorJGtmstones).<bft<bft11 - Where arIryourygtmstones sourced un, ?<bftWe source ourygtmstones un, 2aroundvtme w old directpun, 2the mining place. We haveodirectplink withrthe2minerw of many Africaovcountries like – Madagascar, Tanzania, Niggrea, Mozambique, Etm opia etc. Apar3pun, 2this we haveogood2hold on Indian Mining Place. If you haveoaoquestions about aty of ourystones pleasgy01 waco aymember of our team.<bft<bft12 - I amylookingyforya par3icuakr stone which is not lme Improvyourysite, can you source it foryme?<bftIf you haveoaorequiremt-byforya certain type of stone, pleasgyleo us know and we will do ourybest toyPeepare2i 2foryyou otherwisIrwe'll arrange2i 2fn, 2other manufacturer .<bft<bft13 - Do you sell CertifiIm Gtmstones?<bftYes, most of ourycustomers don't require any certificatextybut rovtme demand of ourycustomers we send tme Gtms toygtms testing lab2foryTesting Certificate. For testing repora of ch piece you need toytay US $ 10 extra.<bft<bft14 - Can I2see the process ofygtmstone manufacturing at your factory?<bftYes, Your most wel706e. Pleasgy01 waco us if you are interee ed.<bftHaveoaoNice Day.<bft<bftLess<bftEstimated delivery<bft<bft<bftOco 20-30<bft<bftNeed itysoxter? Upgrkde delivery iovtme baske <bft<bftReady to dispatch io<bft1–3 business days<bft<bftFn, <bftIndia<bft<bftCost toydeliver<bftFree<bft<bft<bftDeliver toyIndia<bftReturns andyexcha ges accepted<bftExceptions may apply. hhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706524192446/0x50049279b/4049724418x508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCode -SBA-79 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCode -SBA-79
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