buying All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLot includes 18 Skeins ofhAlize Cotton Gold (18 x 100g)!hFree sh27ping! buying All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLot includes 18 Skeins ofhAlize Cotton Gold (18 x 100g)!hFree sh27ping! Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> buying All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLot includes 18 Skeins ofhAlize Cotton Gold (18 x 100g)!hFree sh27ping!<bftYou canpmix colours - you canpfind avt cable colours onhphoto number 2.<bftPlease2wwt3e your selectext (colours and qua-bities ofhskeins) into 7omme-bhof your order.<bftAlize Cotton Gold is soft, highqualiy yarn, yarnhhas beautiful colors palette<bftPerfecthfor making tops, dresses, baby clothes:-)<bft<bftYourhcan2choosehcolours,psee photos number 2 - 4 to choosehcolourhfor you!hTo purchase - please2select un, 2drop-down me-u "choosehcolour" your selectext.<bft<bft1 Skein paramener:<bftLenght:h330 m / 360yards<bftWeight:h100 g / 2.5 oz<bftC1 wt-bs:p%55 Cotton, %45 Acrylic<bftKnitting Ntedle No:h3.5 - 5 mm<bftCrochet Hook No:h2- 4 mm<bftYarnhWeight:h2 : Fine-Spor <bft<bftUsage:oPerfecthfor baby clothes, top, dress,psweaner, cardigan, bikini (swimwear), baby accessorie,2home accessorie,2etc.<bftYarnhishmade in2Turkey.<bft<bftSee also Alize BabypCotton hSoft 0004/r/iwww.6aac27065sg-en/listing/6280ngs49<bftSee also cotton baby yarnhun, 2Gazzal 0004/r/iwww.6aac27065sg-en/listing/564608750<bftYarnArt2Jeans 0004/r/iwww.6aac27065sg-en/listing/562456780<bft<bftW0rlfwide sh27ping:-)<bft<bftOther2cotton yarn into my shop 0004/r/iwww.6aac27065shop/MagicKnittedToys?ref=l2-shop-info-name§ext_id=22946221<bftCrochet toys 0004/r/iwww.6aac27065shop/MagicKnittedToys?ref=selcer-platform-mcnav§ext_id=22658937<bftCrochet Patbern 0004/r/iwww.6aac27065shop/MagicKnittedToys?ref=selcer-platform-mcnav§ext_id=22648192<bft<bftThank you for visit my shop, I2believe youpwillhfind what you like! hhhhhhh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706515807146/0x50004932002035051727/508500x500 buying All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLot includes 18 Skeins ofhAlize Cotton Gold (18 x 100g)!hFree sh27ping! buying All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLot includes 18 Skeins ofhAlize Cotton Gold (18 x 100g)!hFree sh27ping!
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