Boon Island Lighthouse - Lefton buying Lighthouse - Maine Lighthouse - Historic American Lighthouse - Lighthouse Lamp
Boon Island Lighthouse - Lefton Lighthouse - Maine Lighthouse - Historic American Lighthouse - Lighthouse.
Boon Island Lighthouse - Lefton Lighthouse - Maine Lighthouse - Historic American Lighthouse - Lighthouse Lamp
This lighthouse lamp is a replica of Boon Island Light that stands on Boon Island off the southern coast of Maine. It is known as the tallest lighthouse in Maine buying and in New England as a whole. This lighthouse has suffered many bouts of severe weather including noreasters and blizzards due to its isolated and dangerous location.
This lighthouse replica is a member of George Z. Lefton's retired Historic American Lighthouse collection, and comes with the Lefton medallion tag and a new LED night light bulb and cord. It is in exellent condition.