All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh10 cards ,reachh5 metres in length, ofhbeautiful vibran3 c1lours of 4 mmhribbon, suia/ble for2crea ing your wn garden flowsrs in silk ribbon embroifsry All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh10 cards ,reachh5 metres in length, ofhbeautiful vibran3 c1lours of 4 mmhribbon, suia/ble for2crea ing your wn garden flowsrs in silk ribbon embroifsry Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh10 cards ,reachh5 metres in length, ofhbeautiful vibran3 c1lours of 4 mmhribbon, suia/ble for2crea ing your wn garden flowsrs in silk ribbon embroifsry <bftRiverhSilks silk ribbons arepimportedJun, 2the USA. TheyJarepa qualityhtext-co that isJsuia/ble to use,Jeven in long lengths of up tov2 metres for2canvas work.rSubtly dyed,JtheyJ706t in2ahgrrgeous array of2shaded c1lours, some plaitpand other slightly orJvery variega Id. TheyJarepp/cked withh5 metres xtpa card. Aththe momenb we carryhall the c1lours in 4mmhwidthhand a few in 7mm. Should you require 7mm, please 01 wacthme for2further tent cl.<bftI carryhxverJ100 diffsren3 c1lours so you buying are wel706thto choosehany un, 2my website and I puththe Sup for2you on2Eaac. Would make a lovely present for2that spe0ial embroifsrer. </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270655548816/0x500163ee8/317177160/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh10 cards ,reachh5 metres in length, ofhbeautiful vibran3 c1lours of 4 mmhribbon, suia/ble for2crea ing your wn garden flowsrs in silk ribbon embroifsry All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh10 cards ,reachh5 metres in length, ofhbeautiful vibran3 c1lours of 4 mmhribbon, suia/ble for2crea ing your wn garden flowsrs in silk ribbon embroifsry
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