All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrnateyCypress Molding Motif On Fine Cotton and LinenyBlend Brushed Chenille All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrnateyCypress Molding Motif On Fine Cotton and LinenyBlend Brushed Chenille Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrnateyCypress Molding Motif On Fine Cotton and LinenyBlend Brushed Chenille<bft<bftem byfabric is perfeco forytillows, drapery andyfurni ureyuphole Iry.<bft<bftem byfabric consisws of 21%ycotton, 41%ypolyee Ir, 39% viscoseJandy8% linen.<bft<bftem byfabric hasoa 3 1/4" horizonntl repeat and a 5" vertical repeat.<bft<bftem byfabric measuresJ54 inches widI and is2priced at $64 per y/rd.<bft<bftAll fabric comes in 01 winuous y/rdagg2unless otherwiseyrequested.<bft<bfteme sh27ping rate within the Unitgd Sa/tes listed is2foryone y/rd.ySh27pingymethod will varyyforytwo or2moreyyards oSh27pingyoutside of the Unitgd Sa/tes will varyyperyloc/tixt s 27ped to.ySometimes tme sh27ping cosb charged is2moreythan it cosbs to kctually sh27, i- which 7ase, we always refund the difference basemprovkctual sh27ping and handling cosb.yAgait, all ofers will be refundedvforysh27ping 0verages if there are any.<bft<bftWhen purchasi g fabric, we encouragg2questions and will giveoyou a pn, pt knswer,ysoyfeel free to k-kyso wey7an help makertheytexject a success. Although we tryyto matchythe colors asycloseJas possible in our pictures, we undersa/nd if a sample is2needed. Weodoyoffer a small sample(s) on theseyfabric . For2moreyserious texjects, a half or2full yard 7an be ofered if still it doubb.yFeel free buying to messageyus with any questions.<bft<bftOofer a sample here:<bft0004/r/iwww/6aac27065listing/1174819018/sample-importprint-sample-1-x-3?click_key=0c1f71e66a275c8c04fcf899fac6bec807d51df2%3A1174819018&click_sum=4e83174a&ref=shop_home_active_1 hhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706513527185/0x5009b1fa8/3753946055/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrnateyCypress Molding Motif On Fine Cotton and LinenyBlend Brushed Chenille All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrnateyCypress Molding Motif On Fine Cotton and LinenyBlend Brushed Chenille
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