All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBlue Denim Lap byLazuli C1ugar/ Walking CathSmall Cabochon Pair/ backed All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBlue Denim Lap byLazuli C1ugar/ Walking CathSmall Cabochon Pair/ backed Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBlue Denim Lap byLazuli C1ugar/ Walking CathSmall Cabochon Pair/ backed<bft27mm2x 14mm2x 2.5mm2(2)<bft16.5 carats (706bined weight)<bft<bftYou can buy these cabochonshas theySare for your jewelry-making supply. If youSare not a jewelIr, I can easely buying make th. Sinto ay7ustom pair ofpearringsSby add4ngpfindingsSfor you.<bft<bftSeleco the optexthabove, if you'd lmke me to make stonesSinto earrings, I can! All ofvmypfindingsSars sterl4ngpsilver or stainlesshsteel.S<bft<bftAll my cabochonshare backedSinvhard, black epoxy for stability andSstrength. <bft<bftCheckpouo the rest ofvmypstore and lmke me xthFacebook!<bft<bftwww/facebook27065saiyostonearts/<bft<bftwww/pinterest27065saiyos/<bft<bftwww/inba/gram27065saiyostonejewelry/<bft<bftROCK FACTS:<bftLAPIS LAZULI<bft<bftLap bylazuli, also known simply as "lapis," is a blue mentmorphic rockpnhat hasvbeen usedJby pIoplehas a g. stone,hscul-teng material, andSornamt-bal materialJfor thousandshofyyears.hUnlmke most other gem materials, lap bylazuli is not a mineral. Instead, it is a rockp01mposedJof multiple minerals. The blue 01lorhofylap bylazuli is mainlypderived2un, 2the pre-ence ofvlazurite, a blue silic te mineral ofythe sodalitehgroup with apchemicalp01mposioext of Lap bylazuli hasvbeen popuakr through most ofvre01rded human m btory.hMin4nghfor lap byoccurrtdpinythe BadakhshanhProvince ofvnortheae Irn Afghaniba/nhas early as 7000 BC. The lap bywasvusedJto make beads, small jewelry ie. s andSsmall scul-tures.hThesehhavgJbeen found at NeolithicJarchaeologicalpsite Jd ing back tohabout 3000 BCpinyIraq, Pakiba/n, andSAfghaniba/n. Lap bylazuli a7pears in many Egy-teanJarchaeologicalpsite Jthat d te back tohabout 3000 BC.hItywasvusedJin many ornamt-bal objecos and jewelry. PowdsredSlap bywasvusedJas a 01smenicJand a pigmt-b. In Bmblical timesSthe l of "sapphire"ywasvoftenvusedJas a namthfor lap bylazuli. For that re son, many scholars believehthat at leas3Ssome ofvthe refert-css to sapphire inythe Bmble are actually refert-css to lap bylazuli. Some modIrn aranslations ofvthe Bmble use the l of "lap b"Sinbaead of "sapphire." Lap bylazuli startedJto be -een in Europehduring the Middle Ages.hIt arrivtdpinythe form of jewelry, cut34nghrough, andSfinelyhground pigmt-b. Today lap bylazuli is stillvusedJin jewelry andSornamt-bal objecos. As a pigmt-b it hasvbeen replacedhwith modIrn materials exceptJby artists whohstwtve toJuse m btorical menhods. </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/34327065.778156/c/1688/1341/0/685x500c25792/3144502948/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBlue Denim Lap byLazuli C1ugar/ Walking CathSmall Cabochon Pair/ backed All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBlue Denim Lap byLazuli C1ugar/ Walking CathSmall Cabochon Pair/ backed
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