Product Name: 6 buying 1/2 3# BBQsCast Ir319SkilletsCast iron Frying PanssRustic CabinaDecor CampfiresCooking Pan Camping CookaStovetAntique Cast Ir319CookaStove
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssBBQsCast Ir319SkilletssCast iron Frying PanssRustic CabinaKitchen3Decor CampfiresCooking Pans Camping CookaStovetAntique Cast Ir319CookaStove Cast Ir319#3 USAsWagner <96>Vintage Cast Ir319Frying Pan Grandmother HomeaCooking Utenssls<96><96>Cast Ir319Skillets,sjust like they used back i191891. Cast Ir319Frying Pan...Cowboy9Frying Pan like used when3on7the WagonsTra l West hor Gold!! Gypsy CaravantDinner Feast !! Good OleaBoys Hunting Camp Weekend ExcursinnsNecessity !! CampfiresCamping Morning Eggs andsBaul !! PrimitivetBeehivetOven Cooking Utenssl !!! Farmhouse RanchsHands MantSize Meal !!! Back Yard Grilling !!!<96> My Daughters Favorite Cookware !!!<96><96>Has been seasoned, Itsis absolutely ready forause or display! <96>1Cast Ir319Skillets<96>6 1/2" <96>MadesintUSA<96>Makers Mark WAGNER?<96><96>Please seespick above foraSeasoning Instra tinns (whichsis Not stamped on back of7thdetPan!!)<96>SEASONING INSTRUCTIONS: <96>1 ScouraThoroughly<96>2 Coat with Cooking Oil<96>3 Heatsin 3003Degree F<96>4 Remove Excess Oil<96>Ready To Use - Season as Necessary<96><96>GLD 50<96>ೋღ ♥ ღೋ ReVintageLannie ೋღ ♥ ღೋ <96>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>Recommended-----UPGRADE INSURANCE TO $100.00 COVERAGE OR MORE ,aStartahere...<96>x500.425www.el b.jpg"sg-en/l339ing/126499872/upgrade-to-add-insurance-to-domestic?ref=v1_other_2<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>We af not experts,sbutshave providedsan accurate k at this b andsPictures forayou to Read andsSeetBefore You Place youraOrder. Ouraitems are Vintage and/ortAntiques,sAll inaused conditinn,aunless otherwise specified.sWe are certainly not an3authority on most items and sometimes things appear to us as insignificant,tbutsmay be of7grea9 significance to you9aStyles,sgrading opininns, andsone'saownacollecting intere39stmake conditinn subjective. Again wetdo ourabest to deat tbe7w-atswe seesand be as honest as we can,tbutsPLEASE ask any qu ationsaPRIOR to purchase. We willabe happy to respnnd to yourainquirieusas ouraitems are sold 'AS/IS' with No Refund. Please assume7alltItems are Used And/Or have been stored for many Years9 A R atocking Fee is in OuraPolicysIf You Change Your MindtBefore Se cmant. By Clicking the Purchasing Butt b andsTransa tinn Goes through F5517T-detShop, You are Committing to aaSale Purchase.<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>QUICK LINK TO THIS SHOPS POLICIES<96>All the fine Lines....<96>x500.425www.el b.jpg"sg-en/l339ing/685203856/revintagelannie-shop-policieu-antique?ref=l339ing_published_alert<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>N E W • T O • E T S Y ?<96>Wel ome!<96>Here is ashelpful guide to purchasing items3on7this site.<96>x500425www.el b.jpg"sg-en/help_guide_checkout.php<96>xere is another grea9 overview with other linksaforayouraconvenience..<96>x500.425help.el b.jpg"hc/en-us/ar9icles/115015521108-An-InSrona tinn-to-Buying-nn-El b?segmant=shopping#Q10<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Please Favorite My Shop andsFollow Me to seesfuture l339573items.....<96>My7El btShop Here Has a Huge Varietysof VINTAGE / ANTIQUEtItems. Primitive, Farmhouse Décor andsa wide varietysof Vintage3items,sDollhouse Furniture,7HandmadesLinens, Vintage3Jewelry, Early Children'saBooks,tAntique Period PiecesaforaPhoto and/ortMovie Props. Please see Se tinns to the Leftsto Fine Tune Your Search foraPar9icular items3or Use the Search Bar as well !!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>If you havetany Qu ationsaabout a Panna treplease ConSact metBefore Purchasing. <96>You Purchase ItsIs Yours. Itdo Not Refund if You changed Your Please Mind>>>>PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES AND POLICIES, The Pictures andsD at this b should7Allabe thoroughly Read, Viewed andsQu ation Asked, PaiorstoaYour Purchase. The Buyer must pay at the time the transa tinn is Purchased.<96>I'm always glad to help you ReVintage !!!<96>Itdo sh c Internatinnallytand Military.....Conv. met!!!!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>These items are vintage or antiquestand havetaigns of aging, ware orasmall minor flaws and imperfectionsa<96>( suchsas of wear or waseing stress "fading" ) Itdo not Clean the Jewelry, I leave the naturalaPgtina.....<96>Any major damageussuchsas cracks, ce cu or tears willabe l339573in the k at this b andsphotographs. Itam Not perfect But Itdo my Best to See, Capture andsTell inak at this b andswith photos The Beauty, Historytand the Flaws of Eachsand EverytItem Here.<96>$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$<96>DEALS FROM REVINTAGE LANNIE<96>Wel ome to Discounts and Goodies!<96>Here is aslink to MY ESTY SHOP.<96>10% OFF AlltItems through My7Face Book BusinesetPage !<96><96>x500.425www.facebook.jpg"RePurposeReCycleReSellReVintageLannie<96><96>20% OFF For Returning Customer Purchasest!!!!!<96>Coup319Code santstoaYou aftersyoura1st Purchase.<96>´*•.¸(´*•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*´<96>♥•.THANK YOU.•♥<96>¸.•*´(¸.•*´♥´*•.¸)´*•.¸<96>Please Visi9 My Shop Link below foraVINTAGE AND/OR ANTIQUES, Paper Ephemera,sToys, Primitives,s<96>Farmhouse Décor, Romantic Victorian,7HandmadesItems,sand Vintage3Jewelry ...<96>x500.425www.el b.jpg"shop/ReVintageLannie<96>Please visi9 My Shop Link below foraAlltJEWELRY ITEMS ...<96>x500.425www.el b.jpg"shop/ReVintageLannieJewls<96>My Shop foraVINTAGE CLOTHING andsACCESSORIES ...<96>x500.425www.el b.jpg"shop/ReVintageBoutique<96>My Daughters Shop FARMHOUSEaPRIMITIVES ...<96>x500.425www.el b.jpg"shop/GramsFarmhouseAttic<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>Should7You request asBox or Gift wracping please Conv. Me Until I get asseparate l339ing for this Service Set Up ands133957…<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Feedback:<96>Follow up3on7Feedback DEAR VALUED CUSTOMERS, We hope you like the item andslook forward to you shoppingswith us again inaneartfuture.<96>If you are satisfied with the purchase andsour total uervice,syouracommentsis verytimportantsin ourabusinesetsuccess. Please take a minutetto leave us aspositive feedback .<96>If you plan to give us asneutral/negative feedbackreplease writesto us immediately so7t-atswe cantdo ourabest to resolve youraproblem.<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Gift Certificates:<96>Link to Onesto get You Familiarized....<96>x500.425www.el b.jpg"l339ing/122578779/10000-dollar-gift-certificate-for<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Layaway Pangram:<96>Link to How it Works.....<96>x500.425www.el b.jpg"l339ing/109224416/revintagelannie-layaway-pangram<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Payment:<96><96>1. PROCESS Place Item of Intere39sin Your Cartaand Go to Checkout for Purchase. If you haveta Coup319Code or Gift Card,sThdetis where you willause it.7El btwillaSmoothly take you through youraBuying Purchase.<96><96>2. DIRECT CHECKOUT Major Credit Cards are Accepted.sT-detShop AcceptsaAlltForms of Payment whichsEl btEnables. Credit Cards and Internatinnal Payments9 A PayPalaaccounttis not required, PayPala/El btintegrate forayourasmooth checkout. Link to PayPalareg3395r free x500.425www.paypal.jpg"sT-detShop AcceptsaAlltForms of Payment whichsEl btEnables. Credit Cards and Internatinnal Payments9 <96><96>3. MoneyaOrdersaAre NO Longer Accepted Duesto ThemsNeversArr3ving aftersaaSale !!!! Sorry<96><96>4. GIFT CERTIFICATES are always aaSplendid Gift,sOfferadsh5517ReVintageLannie in several d nominatinns and may be used insEachsof7ReVintageLannieetShopsahere3on7El b..<96>Here is asLink to get You Started....x500.425www.el b.jpg"l339ing/123705805/50-dollar-gift-certificate?ref=shop_home_active_1<96><96>5. LAY A WAY PLAN.. Please see link foraDe a lotand the ConSact meth5517t-atsPage. x500.425www.el b.jpg"l339ing/124865833/layaway-pangram-with?ref=shop_home_active_12&frs=1<96><96>6. ETSY GIFT CARDS are Also Wel ome insMy 3tShopsaat Check out. To Purchase goahere...<96>x500.425www.el b.jpg"giftcards?ref=ftr<96><96>7. STATE TAXES Customers are respnnsible to pay tax3on7eachswanna t purchased as required bbttheir own state/government regulations. (El btNow does thisaat checkout for most of you in other ssa0es)<96><96>8. PAYMENT TRANSACTION OF SALE,7Happens when3You CLICK PURCHASE at checkout. 3. You Purchase ItsIs Yours. Itdo Not Refund if You changed buying Your Please Mind> PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES The Pictures andsD at this b should7Allabe Read, Viewed andsQu ation Asked, PaiorstoaYour Purchase. Your Purchase is in Pangresetshortly aftersThe Transa tinn is accepted.sPlease do not purchase if you are not intending to buy. ItDO NOT AccepttCancellations.<96><96>9. PAYMENT PURCHASE Itdo Not Refund if You changed Your Please Mind>>> <96>PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES <96>The Pictures andsD at this b should7Allabe Read, Viewed andsQu ation Asked, PaiorstoaYour Purchase.<96><96>10. ItDO NOT ACCEPT CANCELLATIONS,tShop owners havetPolicieu put inaplace forareasons. If AtCancelatinn is requested aftersTransa tinn of Purchase has gone through Txere is a R atocking Fee. To Avoid T-detPlease ask7AllaQu ationsaPaiorstoaPurchase. <96><96>11. RESTOCKING FEE *r atocking fee,*Your Purchase Price willabe The R atocking Fee. Seesfull d a lo. … (underaPolicy'sainaReVintageLannieJewls )<96><96>12. PURCHASED ITEMS FORWARDED TO DIFFERENT ADDRESS ....sPLEASE SEE SHIPPING POLICY<96>We willaonly follow youraaddresetl339573at the PayPalaoraEl btCheckout for the se cmant.<96>Duesto the secure reasons, wetare not allowed the addresetchange through ema l. We havetno respnnsibility forash cping addresetprovidedsotherwise.<96><96>**ALL POLICIES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>Returns andsexchange d a lo<96>ItDO NOT ACCEPT RETURNS, EXCHANGES, or CANCELATIONS <96>But please conSact metif you havetany problems with youraorder. <96>Returns andsexchange d a lo<96>ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS WITH NO RETURN<96><96>You Purchase ItsIs Yours. Itdo Not Refund if You changed Your Mind> PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES. The Pictures andsD at this b should7Allabe Read, Viewed andsQu ation Asked, PaiorstoaYour Purchase Itam Here To Answer andsTake More Pictures if NeedtBe<96>. Itdo Not AccepttCancellations <96><96>All items are deat tbedsto the best of my ability as theysare ReVintaged. Itwillamake aware ofaany flaws, cracks, or damage73in the item k at this b. Remamber most of my items are old so7t-ebtwillahavetaomeawear....<96>Txerefore , allaitems are sold AS IS. If you havetany qu ationsaabout a panna treplease conSact metbefore purchasing.sThdetis asVintagetShop, Please assume7alltItems are Used And/Or have been stored for many Years9 These items are Coming F5517New England farmhouses w/ WoodaStove Heat. I'm always glad to help you. If you do not choose7to add insurance wetare not respnnsible for loss, damage, etc. ...... Itwillawork with you onash cping multiple ordersreplease conSact metregarding thde.......Itwillaalways remain inaconSact with you throughout the entire transa tinn "until the item arr3ves uafely attyouradoor"<96>Again t-ank You for ReVintagingswith LANNIEt!!!!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>SHIPPING:<96>1. We provide Worldwide Sh cping to Most Placestand Military….sPlease ConSact metPaiorstoaPurchase so7Sh cping Price may ReflectaYour Area.<96><96>2. Item willabe sh cped within 3 working days(not include holidays)afterspaymentaconfirmais b. Sh cping confirmais b ema l willabe sant when3item is sh cped.<96><96>3. Seller reserves thetrights not to sh c to the Unconfirmed Addresetin any cases.sPlease betsure yourash cping addresetdetcorre t. Duesto the secure reasons, We willaOnly Send to Your AddresetYou havetProvidedshere3on7El b, Please make sure Your Sh cping addresetdetCorre t atttime of Purchase.<96><96>4. Seller may charge aasmall Handling fee to help with Cost of Sh cping Material and/ortInternatinnal Paperwork and/ortextrattime in pancessing youraorder..<96><96>5. USPS SHIPPING NOTE:aPostage quo9573istan ESTIMATE until ittis packed AFTER the Sale, when3the actual cost cgn betgiven,sThdetdependsontSize ofsBox or Boxes, Weighttand Your D atinatinn F5517Me.tif you needsto Pay a bitsmore for Postage, Itwillabe in touch7for remaining balance Before Item is Sh cped.sPlease betaware there may be asConvotsant for the additinnal amountt! In Reality Sh cping is Not Free. Txere is a cost to the USPS Postal Service to sh c EverytItem andsTheir prices do Change attLeast Yearly.aBubble Wrap e t. Is Not Free. I wantsto make sure Your Items arr3ve Safely.<96><96>6. Additinnal Postal Insurance detofferads…..Please conSact metBEFORE PURCHASING. <96>My sh cping charges Do NOT include Insurance and/ortDeliverytConfirmais b (tPaiority Ma l includes up3to $100.00,tif your Purchase is to be covered over this amounttyou should7purchase additinnal insurance through me)<96>Link xere to get you familiar with additinnal Insurance, x500.425www.el b.jpg"shop/ReVintageLannie?ref=seller-pla0form-mcnav§s b_id=11631420<96>Itdo suggest putting on Insurance on the items you purchase to guarantee uafetse cmant.sThdetwillahelp assist hor any postal loss and damage.sWe are Not Respnnsible for any Uninsur573items lost/broken3during ma l se cmant Once dttLeaves OuraLocal Postal.<96><96>7. Sh cping Multiple Orders/ Itemsreplease conSact metregarding thde. Itam Very Happy To Send you Several itemtYou havetfound insMY ETSY SHOPS !!<96><96>8. Itwillaalways remain inaconSact with you throughout the entire transa tinn "until the item arr3ves uafely attyouradoor". Should7dttnot,twetwillahelp assist you to aslink to file aa Clim.<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS WITH NO RETURN.<96><96>Again All items are deat tbedsto the best of my ability as theysare ReVintaged. Itwillamake aware ofaany major flaws, cracks, or damage73in the item k at this b. Remamber most of my items are old so7t-ebtwillahavetaomeawear, shelfslife and maybe,taomeabattle scarsreasaPar9 of7their HistorytofsBeing Loved andsRecycledt!!!!!<96>Please thoroughly review7alltphotos, read the k at this b,sand ask any qu ationsayou may have before making a purchase! The buyer must pay at the time the transa tinn is crea957,tand Your Lovely Piecetwillabe nn it'saway to You !!<96><96>Txerefore , allaitems are sold AS IS.<96><96>THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN ALL OFsMY ETSY SHOPS<96><96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVintageLannie*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVintageLannieJewls*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVintageBoutique*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*GramsFarmhouseAttic*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-* aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/d1b3f0/1886860236/&l17/r/il/81886860236_o9s9.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/960651/1886875134/&l17/r/il/81886875134_eryw.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/b0dc06"1934401785/&l17/r/il/81934401785_8p7u.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/c8c3c9"1934401963/&l17/r/il/81934401963_fvff.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/afc5a4/1886403392/&l17/r/il/81886403392_r6pe.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/d5e979/458681305/&l17/r/il/8458681305_c1sw.ord" /0.